Tuesday, May 5, 2015

seven sidenotes

may 3rd, 2015

today was a good day.

(last night was a bad night.)

but instead of reliving how bad of a night it was. i’m going to live IN the moment and tell you the first seven reasons WHY i’m feeling so good, which is HOW i came to have happened upon a few potentially noteworthy thoughts this evening. 

.1. i awoke to a beautiful Sunday morning. I was there- deep within a world so real it was real and then all of a sudden here I really was, of course. Eyes closed, listening to the sounds of an early Spring morning in the South. Rustling leaves from the newly green EVERYTHING. birds clearly having in-depth conversations about the state of the bugs at the moment. #sososuculent i was awake, listening to the peaceful moment that I was witnessing. I was witness to. To which I was witness. How Holy. How Sunday. 

.2. Then my alarm went off.

.3. And because my body had gently eased me awake moments earlier, i almost enjoyed finding out it was, in fact, time to get up.

.4. i gave my body enough sleep, and it thanked me by wakening me up and helping me start my day refreshed and grateful to it and to the sounds of the Earth with whom I would share the day.

.5. i taught two rockin’ pure barre classes. i felt in-control and like i nailed my vocals and truly encouraged every client to really work hard. i think this because i had a woman, whom may become a 1/2 generation-older friend, tell me. (sidenote** i love to have friends of different generations. it gives SUCH great life-perspective**) at the end of the last class i thanked everyone for coming to Pure Barre Church with me this morning, because that’s how it felt. Like we were all there for a common purpose and the more we aligned with ourselves the more we got out of it and the better it felt. it felt like a sweet release (which is OBVIOUSLY one of my favorite cues when we’re stretching)

.6. i worked really hard at work. it was even a kind of day that could have stressed me out, but i helped keep it under control and i think i turned what was really a pretty tense situation into a fun, lively game. would i choose to repeat the day? HELL NO. but, i’m proud of my team’s individual leadership and teamwork. we were all in it together and it was a powerful thing to be a part of. i can’t wait to thank Staci and McKenzie in ways that will help them understand how much i truly appreciate their hard work.

.7. i went on a walk- one of the greatest luxuries there is to be had in this life.