Friday, December 4, 2009

ffj, free from judgment

there are certain times and places when "the rules" just fall by the wayside and essentially, there are no rules, thus creating free from judgment, FFJ, zones.

my personal favorite FFJ activity and place thus far in life is DUHHHHH the north carolina state fair. never have i seen more of this....

hair that is longer than i am tall...

groovy tiny green glasses to match your jacket. looking good smru.

annnnd this.

ohhhhh state fair. mother of all FFJ zones.

so glamour put together a list of things that are 100% guilt-free this season and i couldn't agree more!!!

here she blows:

HEY, it's OK.... be a little disappointed that it's 2010 and we still don't have hover cars yet. wear you grandma's pearls and niece's headband. hate when your friend uses chat acronyms during in-person conversations. Why would you say "LOL!" when you could, you know, actually laugh out loud?

*i would like to add here that it's also OK to use chat acronyms for ironic emPHAsis whilst talking, but that's just meeee!!! say 'all even if you're not Southern.

...if your winter wardrobe is basically your summer wardrobe... with tights.

...if the only thing keeping you from getting a dog is, frankly, the poop.

1 comment:

  1. hahaha, lololololol. if your blog had a "like" button a la facebook, i would be clicking the shit of it.
