Thursday, December 3, 2009

work FAIL

uuughhhhh i HATE winter skin!

my face gets all dry and flaky because of the moisture-wicking artificial heat PLUS i get wind burn on my cheeks, and because of all the extra moisturizing i'm doing my skin breaks out!!!

it's a lose lose (and one more lose for you, jim halpert) situation.

i don't have a remedy for it, i just wanted to vent.

i took the worst work ID badge picture known to man today.

i was super-over-prepared for my badge picture the first day of work... but the machine was down.

FINE i said... i'll just do the whole routine again tomorrow.

and the badge-maker decided to take yet ANOTHER day off to be on the fritz...

so then today, the first day that i just rolled out of bed and caked on more makeup to the point that i was aware of how spidery my eyelashes looked....

.... was the day i got the email saying i needed to go take my badge picture.


overhead lighting creating the worst of the worst shadowing..... ughhhhh.

i wish i had tips on how to stop making MYSELF look less LESS attractive (was that use of a double negative correct??? ohhhh grammar, i both love and loathe you), but this was a big fat FAIL on my part.

when i got back to my desk and obligingly showed my co-workers i said that i looked like a fat kid who just ate a box of twinkies.

and they didn't disagree!!!!

but that's not even the worst part...

it's that i've been craving twinkies ever since.

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