Tuesday, October 11, 2011

i'm baaaaaaack

i can neither confirm nor deny that i have been snowed in since my last post in december of 2009.

let's just say that that little squirrel WAS DELICIOUS.

anywho, i'm back (potentially because i'm mildly obsessed with a social networking start-up that shall remain nameless) (and i've seen a lot, i repeat A LOT, of transgressions since moving back to NC) (and rachel zoe got preggers and HAD a baby since i've been gone- i mean, i missed a LOT) and better than ever.

IN FACT... i think i just might start some vlogging.

yes. yes. don't wet yourself and for goodness sakes put your wooden shoes back in your closet (or don't, because i took a clogging class and wouldn't mind a do si do partner every now and again) vlogging is video blogging.

i mean really, the only things better than my writings might be my ridiculous in-person antics, which vlogging might just capture even better than all this top notch blogging. (hold your applause.)

am i right or am i right?

am i going to be the next kandee johnson?? NO.  BETTER: i'm going to be the first ClaireMorganBerngartt. so stay tuned.

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