Saturday, December 19, 2009

snowed in!

i came over to the house where my friend jesse is house, dog and kitty sitting.... and now i've been wearing the same clothes and watched four movies and almost an entire season of entourage.

i wish i had all my cuuuute snow clothes!!!

boots, scarves, gloves, mittens, hats.... mmmmm i just love bundling up!!!

too bad i'm stuck with my ill fitting hungover friday outfit from work.... skinny jeans have never been more uncomfortable than right now.

SNOW DAYYYYYYYSSSS are my favorite days nonetheless!!!!!!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

no more neck-lift needed

UMMMM why is this rule not shouted far and wide, near and far... wait, is that how the saying goes??

anyway, Ada Polla of Georgetown spa Alchimie Forever's one beauty rule is a DUHH McGEE rule, yet i've never heard it before, which makes me wonder if y'all have never heard it before?!?!?!

alright, are you ready for this???

“Anything you apply to your face, apply to your neck.”

that's it people. now, no more neck-lift needed.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

loves it / hates it

LOVES my 8AM disco party in my room!!! every morning!

just realized today that the sun hits the mini-disco balls I have hanging on my chandelier every morning and projects thousands of tinkerbell shimmers all over my walls and ceiling at 8am every day.

maybe today is the beginning of me loving 8am??!!

HATES baggy jeans tucked into boots

ok people, so CLEARLY the look this season is jeans/leggings/tights/whatever you've got tucked into boots- but that does not mean that ALL JEANS are meant (made) to be tucked into boots. GEEEZZZEEEEE.

you cannot be tucking baggy jeans into your boots! you'll look like a chimney sweep!! or someone from the time period where they wore pantaloons... you know what i'm saying??

ok, here's cameron totally casually rockin' what the desired look is to be:

now, it's ok to not be wearing skin tight jeans. usually, too tight pants are going to be capable of looking worse than too loose pants... but tucked into boots is one of the few cases, where you're going to look a lot less less attractive (you followin' me?) if your pants fall on the too tight side of the scale rather than the too loose.

and besides, the worst part is that everyone doing this is walking around thinking they're looking all super-fly because they got the hottest boots this season, but REALLY they're just screaming out that they don't ACTUALLY know what the fashion dilly is because they're wearing the RIGHT TRENDS ALL WRONG.

which, i think, is even worse, because they clearly CARE... but are failing. (as opposed to the woman in white tennis shoes over her panty-hose power walking during lunch. she just don't care. more power (walkin) to her.)

EXCEPTION TO THE RULE: going to work. why? because no one wears super tight pants in a business professional or business casual environment at work, but many people need to wear boots to work. AND I MEAN TO WORK. as in, commuting. not AT WORK. better not take my ish out of context people!

more importantly why is it OK? because i do it, so i have to say it's ok. pshhhhh. that's right. i write the blog, i write the rules. DEAL WIT IT.

again, this is one of the (rare... i hope) cases where function trumps fashion.

i knowwww. i said it. don't flog me fashionistas!!!!

Friday, December 4, 2009

ffj, free from judgment

there are certain times and places when "the rules" just fall by the wayside and essentially, there are no rules, thus creating free from judgment, FFJ, zones.

my personal favorite FFJ activity and place thus far in life is DUHHHHH the north carolina state fair. never have i seen more of this....

hair that is longer than i am tall...

groovy tiny green glasses to match your jacket. looking good smru.

annnnd this.

ohhhhh state fair. mother of all FFJ zones.

so glamour put together a list of things that are 100% guilt-free this season and i couldn't agree more!!!

here she blows:

HEY, it's OK.... be a little disappointed that it's 2010 and we still don't have hover cars yet. wear you grandma's pearls and niece's headband. hate when your friend uses chat acronyms during in-person conversations. Why would you say "LOL!" when you could, you know, actually laugh out loud?

*i would like to add here that it's also OK to use chat acronyms for ironic emPHAsis whilst talking, but that's just meeee!!! say 'all even if you're not Southern.

...if your winter wardrobe is basically your summer wardrobe... with tights.

...if the only thing keeping you from getting a dog is, frankly, the poop.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

work FAIL

uuughhhhh i HATE winter skin!

my face gets all dry and flaky because of the moisture-wicking artificial heat PLUS i get wind burn on my cheeks, and because of all the extra moisturizing i'm doing my skin breaks out!!!

it's a lose lose (and one more lose for you, jim halpert) situation.

i don't have a remedy for it, i just wanted to vent.

i took the worst work ID badge picture known to man today.

i was super-over-prepared for my badge picture the first day of work... but the machine was down.

FINE i said... i'll just do the whole routine again tomorrow.

and the badge-maker decided to take yet ANOTHER day off to be on the fritz...

so then today, the first day that i just rolled out of bed and caked on more makeup to the point that i was aware of how spidery my eyelashes looked....

.... was the day i got the email saying i needed to go take my badge picture.


overhead lighting creating the worst of the worst shadowing..... ughhhhh.

i wish i had tips on how to stop making MYSELF look less LESS attractive (was that use of a double negative correct??? ohhhh grammar, i both love and loathe you), but this was a big fat FAIL on my part.

when i got back to my desk and obligingly showed my co-workers i said that i looked like a fat kid who just ate a box of twinkies.

and they didn't disagree!!!!

but that's not even the worst part...

it's that i've been craving twinkies ever since.