Monday, November 16, 2009

menswear watches

i love my menswear watches.

i don't even realllly know why. they're a great conversation starter, for one. two, is that mine are specifically easy to wear because they have stretchy bands... which is great for me because i can slip them on and off but i can imagine anyone with more than a little arm hair might not enjoy the pinching that would inevvvvvitably occur. three is that they match EVERYTHING (slash match nothing) because they're a statement on their own...

and mine just happen to be available for the valued price of $27.00 at a very small, local boutique... i doubt you've heard of it... wal-mart.

i don't have to tell you that i also may or may not have this in silver and silver and gold... i'm sure you can tell that with high quality craftmanship like that i couldn't live without ALL of them!!! (and HELLO it's a digi-watch... those gosh darn analog clocks are SO HARD to read sometime... monica geller, back me up)

another fabulous, more male-specific, more picture-based, blog, youhavebrokentheinternet, did a li'l post on gold watches as well... guess who was ahead of her time... or maybe, since i love old mens' watches am i behind the times???

whatevahhh DEAL WIT IT. my watch is now hip. eeeeee!!!!

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