Friday, November 6, 2009

smell ya later

SMYLA: stop dousing yourself in too much perfume. yeesh. a little goes a long way.

i've been interviewing my toukus off this week and i've barely worn any. you never know who your smell may be offending (ummm and this totes goes for general LIFE as well... once i had to have the SUPER FUN conversation with this consultant i was working with about ways to keep from reeking of BO. ugghhhhhh.) anyway, you really shouldn't wear much if any perfume to interviews, fyi.

however, i do advocate having a signature scent.

jessica simpson came out with her second scent this summer... fancy love.

i think this is one of the stupidest names for a perfume ever... but i think my friend nikki said it best...

anyway, i haven't smelled it yet, but i think when choosing a new scent you must be extremely diligent about your research. if you're going to be wearing it every day with every outfit (MUCH LIKE A HANDBAG, NON???!?!?!?!!!) it needs to be great.

go to sephora. smelllll itttt uppppppp.

go to nice department stores. they often know sooo much and will know if you like one scent, what else you'll like... and hopefully be able to turn you onto a scent that no one else is wearing!!

smell ya later.

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