Monday, November 23, 2009


had an amazing weekend in NYC.

the kind where maybe we could have been anywhere because it was filled with so much time with just good friends, but then again it HAD to be new york because of the amazing brunch deals, live improv by people just itching to jump to SNL, sights to be seen just walking around (hello rockefeller christmas tree that clearly ate some other trees while it was getting so big and strong), ridiculously funny and musicals with ridiculously talented... and cute... actors (altar boyz) that make your face hurt from smiling the whole performance, and then tiny grocery stores that everyone hits up sunday night, as did we for a family-esque dinner.

dare i say we were preparing for the holiday??

i cooked... errrr "cooked" this salad from my friend's healthygirlcooking blog... and we also had some DANK cheesy, sour creamy, potatoey deliciousness, topped with corn flakes of course. mmmmmm.

good food. good times. good people.

nnneewwwww yooooorrrrrkkkkkk!

i'm going to take this week as a holiday week seeing that i'm going back to raleighwood (or rollywood, if you please) tuesday... and plan on being in a food coma from then until Sunday.

i'll take some pics of fashion tragedies as i come across them (you can hit them with a stick, really you can) in good ole' north cackylacky.

i leave you with some holiday cheer, CMBlog style:

a well dressed turkey, and a new favorite saying that i found at a vineyard in western virginia that will help me, and maybe you too, get through the holidays

did i say well dressed? oops! i meant undressed :)

happy holidays you beautiful people you!!!!

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