Thursday, October 8, 2009

ballsy, but well executed

i was driving up connecticut avenue the other day, which is a VERY aggressive road. it's one of the main thoroughfares in DC, so much so that during rush hour the number of lanes shift from three and three over to four and two in whichever direction the bulk of traffic is going. kinda genius, good job on that one ddot (SIDENOTE: ddot had a super fabulously clever logo, get it?? D-DOT?!?! more kudos.)

ANYWAY, so it's an aggressive road because you have to be looking for people slamming onto their brakes for the people who dare to take a left from the left hand lane, and people causing all kinds of drama in the far right lane if they find a parking spot that they then must PARALLEL PARK into... so you're thinking, oh, just drive in the middle lane... welllllll when that's everyone's plan, it gets more than a little crowded, and thus, let's just say, HEATED.

having lived in DC for three plus years now, i have become someone who uses my horn... kinda a lot. now, now, i'm NICE about it. like, if someone is clearly rumbling through their center console after a light has turned green, i'll give them the quick, "i'm not mad, i just want to let you know that the light changed" honk, i won't LAY ON IT. but, if i can tell someone is ABOUT to make a bad decision (yes, bad decision according to me, the SMARTEST DRIVER IN THE WORLD [everyone thinks that of themself whilst driving]) i'll also be the person who honks at them to let them know that their bad decision will affect others (me) and i don't want to hit them (have to brake even the slightest bit because of them).

anyway, i honk at least once a drive now.

it's not like i'm a quiet person in life, why should i be a quiet person in the car??!

ok, all this is besides the point. so, when i was driving up connecticut again today, trying to maneuver my way through the traffic, and frankly, doing a pretty poor job (sometimes you got it, and sometimes you don't and today, i didn't) my jaw literally dropped open when this car came up from behind me, cut over in front of me and proceded to zig zag through traffic like nobody's business. i immediately said,

"WOW, ballsy. but well executed."

true, this maniac wasn't driving defensively, but he or she was driving REALLY well aggressively.

and, i think the same can often be true of fashion!

when you want to branch out from your ole' faithful fashion, and try something new and perhaps ballsy, it's important to remember to execute flawlessly!!

for example, if you are always wearing neutrals, but have an itch to try the new color for the season- like right now purple is huge- if you just grab that old purple itchy sweater out of the back of your closet that doesn't fit like a glove like it used to, chances are, you're not going to feel confident in your foray into this more bold fashion statement because you've changed too many of the elements- changed the top shape, fabric and color you're used to wearing... and if you can't hold your head up high, rocking your outfit loud and proud, you'll NEVER look chic.

instead, go back to "ballsy but well executed," and maybe put on your go-to fabulosity outfit that you know you look amazing in, so that adding, let's say, a purple accessory, like a great pair of shoes, a bright bangle, or a fun bag brings a little trendy to something you already feel confident in. you're trying something new (which may turn into a go-to piece?!), and your outfit still works as a whole.

once you find what works for you as far as clothing shapes, fabrics and colors (alllll of which i'll get into, i promise) that's when you can start to play and experiment with trends within those realms.

now go drive balls to the wall to an execution... wait a minute... i think i got confuzzed again...

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