Tuesday, October 6, 2009

a life in transition

ok, so i know this little blog is supposed to be all about making yourself more attractive, which is one of my passions in life, but the other BIG thing going on in my life right now is my job search.

recap: i worked my first job out of college for one year; found a better job and worked there for two years, then got laid off, thanks to my co's acquisition, in june; enjoyed myself and my friends and my summer til about a month ago... and started legit looking for a job and freaking out juuuuust a little bit since that time.

so now i spend my days sending out resumes, writing thebombdotcom cover letters and networking, and my nights playing with my roommates, procrastinating going to the gym, and thinking about SMYLA, offf course.

reason i open this pandora's box? a friend sent me this blog that he thought i'd like, and i soooooo totally do!! so i thought y'all might too! (i can't help but rhyme, srsly, it just HAPPENS.)

the two most recent entries speak TO MY SOUL (yes, that's right, people who like to give constructive criticism to strangers have souls too.)

this post needs to be tattooed to my forehead... but backwards so that i can see it when i look in the mirror??... hmmm, scratch that, i need to read this EVERY morning to remember that with a little luck and a lot of dedication you can do anything you set your mind to- yah just gotta staaayyyy foooocused!!

her life may be in translation while mine's just in transition, but i need all the help i can get... hey, i'm not going to dish it out if i can't take it.

ok, happy tuesday. i'm going to go make stuff happen.

thanks to Logan for the blog tip!

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