Tuesday, October 13, 2009

style file

how often do you find yourself standing in front of your closet (and if you're me, you're running late) having pulled 1/3 of your clothes out onto your floor trying to figure out what to wear and having come to the conclusion that you HAVE NOTHING TO WEAR!!!????

my roommates are always running around complaining that they have nothing to wear, and i know for a fact their closets are packed (because we routinely borrow this and that from each other) with super cute items!!

well, i have a solution... or a plan for a solution to this ever-present problem: a style file.

now, let's work backwards from that moment when you're exacerbated and mad yourself for feeling like you own not one suitable outfit: this most likely stems from not having a well thought out closet (a closet that has lots of clothes, but they don't mix and match each other, thus not a lot of options).

and why might you not have a well thought out closet? because you're not shopping with the end result (being able to quickly pull out an outfit you feel smashing in) in mind!! so if shopping's the root of the problem, let's do a deep dive (shiiiit: lame work terminology) into shopping patterns.

now, when you go to the grocery store, you most likely take a list? i certainly do, because if i don't, i end up buying a bunch of junk food (can you say gushers and teddy grahams??) that i don't need, and couldn't have told you i wanted BEFORE i entered the store, but now i'm stuck with all this junk, because i didn't have a list.

the same goes for clothes shopping! you need a list or else you're likely to leave the store with junk that gets you (and your closet) nowhere!

but how do you know WHAT to put on that list?? well, let's start with that inevitable moment when you cry out, "I have nothing to wear!!"

I suggest literally keeping a list by your closet for you to write down what it is you're craving to put on, but don't own. To get it started now, think about your FAVORITE outfit that you always gravitate towards throwing on.

is it a great-fitting pair of jeans with a comfy loose-fitting top with a great print, but that's always dirty because you wear it at least once a week? guess what? YOU NEED ANOTHER. maybe not another pair of jeans, since jeans can be worn a few more times before needing to be washed, but you need more tops that you don't have to worry about feeling fat in.

now, i personally read fashion and beauty magazines. yes, it's a vice. however, it's probably the reason i'm writing this blog!! it all started in middle school because our fundraiser was a magazine drive every year. i had so many that i made the border around my bedroom walls covers of all the magazines i had accumulated. thus, i have been reading, studying and worshipping all things beauty and style related since my early adolescence.

because of this, one of the main ways i am inspired is through these glossy publications. so, i decided to put all of their great ideas to use for me, and started cutting and pasting.

cutting out outfits, styles, tips, products and looks that i want to buy, emulate, try to to just remember and pasting them into my very own STYLE FILE.
keep in mind, this is in addition to my my running list of things to buy: it's just more visually specific, (and pleassssing) and is more than just ideas i come up with, it's ideas from the experts. it started when i lived in my sorostitute house, hence the room 18, with my bestie, and continues today.

see that it's not only pieces of clothes or products that i want to buy in my style file- i'm putting in items that i think have flattering shapes, or are from a company that seems to make great clothes at a price i can afford, making more than just mental notes of places to shop, and items that i think i could incorporate into my wardrobe, i'm putting them in my style file!

it's also makeup looks that i'd like to try and recreate, be it a perfume advertisement that happens to have a model with an amazing shade of lipstick, or an actual beauty article about new eye shadow tips and tricks.

so start making your list of things you love and should probably own more of, taking note of things you see that you like, and soon, your wardrobe will become full of mixable matchable pieces so that you'll find yourself cursing the heavens in vain a whole lot LESS!

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